Sunday, March 10, 2013

A view into a future where robots work and people think.

Walden 2.1 Economy: Testing the socio-economic acceptance of conducting commerce using an individual KSA-reputation value economy.

 “If more than 1 in 20 people do not voluntarily accept the unspoken (and sometimes) unwritten covenants, civil societies can not exist” (Firestone, 2009).  This researcher intends to test that assumption by requiring over 95-percentage (95%) of a convenient random sample group who might be willing to accept an adoption from the current monetary economy to the concept of a KSA-based reputation value economy.  The study will be using the 6-steps of complexity science in the assemblage for qualitative research.  

It is this researchers hypothesis that in the future mankind will abandon the monetary system of economy for a more practical system of meritocracy.  An economy that is founded on individual KSAs’ might use an inner dialogue (ID) avatar-mentor augmenting-conscience as a social control.  Individual users can customize their “kazoo” avatar with any personality of a distant relative or brilliant mind who life is chronicled.  It is the avatars duty to discern in adding or subtracting from the individual’s reputation value.  An individual’s reputation value is comprised of points for gathering knowledge plus adding positive or negative skills to abilities databank.  KSA’s are the United States Government Human Resources’ acronyms for Knowledge, Skills and Abilities as the prescribed requirements in agency position handbooks, and Dictionary of Occupational Titles (Human Management Division, 2005; DOT, 2012).  The US-DOT codes, rates and categorizes every known occupation into a series of cryptographic definitions describing the required skills prescribed.  “The identified set of eight (8) managerial knowledge, skills, and abilities included: business area knowledge and skills, communication skills, creativity/adaptability, ethics, leadership, problem solving, teamwork, and work habits” (Stivers, Veliyath, Joyce & Adams, 2010).

Purchasing power in the meritocracy economy comes from individual ability points.  The variable of knowledge is defined as “an organized body of information, usually factual or procedural in nature;” skills are “the proficient manual, verbal, or mental manipulation of data or things,” and abilities are “the power or capacity to perform an activity or task” or work (Human Management Division, 2005).  Different levels of knowledge produce different levels of skills.  Skill levels increase as the user practices the learned behavior and interact accordingly with peers, clients and subordinates.

Dictionary of Occupational Titles (2012).

Firestone, Bruce M. (2009).  Metaverse Economics.  EQ Journal

Stivers, B. P., Veliyath, R., Joyce, T. & Adams, J. S. (2010).  Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities for the Market Economy:  An Investigation of Student Perceptions Before and After China’s WTO Entry.  Journal of Teaching in International Business, 21:27-52.  Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.  DOI:10.1080/08975931003644721.